About Us

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Hi! We are Caryn, Bee Guat, Priyatharisini,Farah and Loqman. We are a group of future teachers hoping to gain more experience on how to teach Mathematics creatively and effectively. Please feel free to view our blog and we hope to hear from you. Your ideas, comments, criticism, suggestions or advice are highly welcomed! Thank you!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Group Presentation : Week 1-Malaysian Primary Mathematics Curriculumk & its Implications

Sorry for the delayed upload and blog of our group presentation...
You can download here...=D

We were the first group and were in fact very nervous as to how to present the contents...

Nevertheless, we really gained a lot through discussions with group members as we explore the Malaysian Primary Mathematics Curriculum as well as when we presented the topic.

Well, we had learnt the curriculum thoroughly when we were still in IPG IPIK. So, it would be boring if we were to touch on the aim, objectives and content organisation just as they are...

So, we decided to compare our curriculum with Singapore.

You may b
e wondering why Singapore???
Our curriculum is good enough...

Well..., we believe that it is important to learn from one another to promote continuous learning (improvement) and not remaining static and contented with current achievements
. We cannot deny the fact that Singapore's maths is highly credited and acknowledged by countries all around the world...

So, through this presentation, we hope to be able to highlight some of the positives and limitations of the curriculum of both countries.

One of the very proud aspects of the teaching and learning of Mathematics in Malaysia is that we really integrate a
nd apply moral values within the curriculum which we find really lacking in many other curriculum. Furthermore, our own developed curriculum really suits the pupils in our country as the educators and writers are all well versed with the situation of our country.

Therefore, through this presentation we hope to
create awareness within the future teachers to be more well versed with the curriculum our country

and be ...

a better Mathematics teacher who is able to humble oneself and learn from others to improve...

Some of the highlights of our presentation....
Some articles...for further readings...

Mathematics Achievement among Malaysian Students

What the United States Can Learn From Singapore's World-Class Mathematics System

Some videos...for your information...

So, these are some of the highlights of our presentation...

Nevertheless, our maths curriculum is the best, developed, for the teaching and learning of our schools and we are proud of the continuous effort made by all parties to ensure the continuous improvements within the subject maths!

Malaysia Boleh!!

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